Classic Czech Cuisine with Martin Skoda
21. 9. 2017
21. 9. 2017
Soukenická 23
110 00, Praha 1
Soukenická 23
110 00, Praha 1
1 890 Kč
1 890 Kč
Course Program
- Filírovaná vepřová krkovice se zelným salátem, hořčičným dresinkem a chlebem
- Filet ze pstruha a lehký brmaborový salát s medovým dresinkem
- Křehké taštičky s trhaným krůtím masem na pivě, blaťackým zlatem a smetanovým dipem
- Litý švestkový koláč s mákem
About Course
Course length:
3 hours
We would like to introduce you our new guest chef Martin Skoda that has already released two amazing cooking books. This course will be very entertaining full of tips and tricks on how to bring to the table perfectly seasoned Czech cuisine.
Martin chose the menu from the signature recipes of his books, and is very happy to share them with you
Do not miss this unique course and come to learn something really enjoyable and yummie!
Instructor Martin Skoda
Chef's profileReservation
Unfortunately, the course capacity is full.